April 10th, how to say April 10th in English
1. 22:35
It is expressed as twenty-five to eleven.
2. April
April is the fourth month of the year.
3. English Example Sentences
We went to Japan last April.
I arrived at the end of April.
4. Learning English Strategies
One effective English learning strategy is to use basic daily English as listening, speaking, reading, and writing materials. For example, in the "Daily English Listening" app, you can listen to various topics like "American Family Parent-child English" and classics like "Jane Eyre" to improve your English skills.
5. Time Expression in English
22:35 is expressed as twenty-five to eleven.Similarly, 5:50 is read as ten to six, 9:49 as eleven to ten.
6. English Translations
October 31st can be translated as October the thirty-first or October 31st.Chinese festivals can be translated as: New Year's Day, the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, International Working Women's Day, Arbor Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, and the Winter Solstice.
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